RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League

Minutes for December 11th, 2023

Open Session: 6:30 P.M.

Call to order: 6:37

Roll CallPresentAbsent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024)X 
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023)X 
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2024)X 
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025)X 
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025)X 
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024)X 
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2023)X 
John Todd, Director (exp 2025)X 
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025)X 

                                                             Quorum Present: Yes


Meghan Schaefer, Andrea Ayzele, Edwin Balli, Jolene Thornhill, Jessica Thornhill, ViAnn Todd, LeeAnn Williams

President Opening Comments: None

Approval of the prior minutes: Tonia motioned, Anthony 2nd, motion carries.

Treasurer’s Report and approval: : Dan motioned, Anthony 2nd, motion carries.

Old Business

1. Mayor’s Race dinner/ Community Champion-  Over all cost to chamber after all purchases is $638.19

2. City map cartoon drawing (Committee)- send another email, call membership. Print  old maps and membership apps for potential members. Dan motioned $65.38 for printing costs, Anthony 2nd, motion passes.

3. Name Tags (John) Get them

4. January business class (Tonia) Tonia motioned $50 for snacks, Troy 2nd , motion carries

5. EDDM’s  (Discussion) not everyone received one. Check the post office for extras.

6. Christmas Cash-  need $50 for additional cash prize costs, Tonia motioned, Anthony 2nd, motion carries.

7. Ornament Exchange(Discussion)Bring ornament wrapped for white elephant exchange.  Dan motioned $195.11 for food, Tonia 2nd , motion carries.

8.Nominations – Cathy and Liliette  nominated by committee, Tonia’s nomination of Meg is not valid, per bylaws. Cathy and Liliette reelected.

New Business

  1. Election- Anthony nominated Dan for President, Wendy 2nd, Dan declines. Cathy nominated Wendy, Anthony 2nd. Dan nominated Troy, John 2nd. Directors voted on paper Wendy is President for another term. Tonia nominated Cathy for Vice President, John Second. No other nominations. Cathy is Vice president for another term. Wendy appointed Tonia as Treasurer, and LeeAnn for Secretary.
  2. Business of the Month(LeeAnn)-  Lakeside Cabin and Escape
  3. Membership update (LeeAnn)- 81 members

Other Comments or Concerns-

Director Comments: Liliette commented how great the Christmas Bazaar was, Cathy spoke of Bobs Blessings, free coats for kids and Sisters in Christ, all at LifePointe, Dec 16th. Christmas concert held at Lifepointe, hosted by Lifepointe and Higher Ground. Dec 23, 7:00PM.Wendy, all events on the 9th were amazing. Tonia, all events on the 9th were great, the Light parade was great. Anthony, Rio Java was very busy all day on the 9th. Stacey, Thanked LeeAnn and Tonia.

Public Comments: Jessica Thornhill(owner of Tummy’s) Tummy’s benefited from all the festivities and was impressed with the turn out in the community. She did have an issue with the magnitude of people in the streets, using the restroom. It was taking from paying customers and people left it disgusting. She proposes that the business on M.ST sponsor porta-potties .

Ed Balli, says he really enjoyed the Parade.

Sheena, asked if anything could be done about the sidewalk vendors.

Adjourn -8:10 PM


Future Agenda Items

Next Meeting is January 8th ,2024 at 6:30 P.M

Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous November Minutes 2023 RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League